Well, here I go! Things have been crazy. It takes a lot of paperwork, appointments, shopping, packing, PATIENCE, and little odds and ends to prepare to move to another country for 27 months. Not only that, but I've had some pretty hard goodbyes to say as well.. which have been more challenging than I thought. I mean, yeah.. it's only two years, but right now, that seems like an eternity. When I come back, all my college friends will be all over the place being reeeeeal people! Corey will be almost 3 and a half, and he'll have a NEW cousin who will be almost 2!! Everyone will move on with their lives and things will be incredibly different. But then again, so will I. For instance... I'll be a pro at going to the bathroom outside, I'll know how to build things like brick ovens and latrines, I'll be able to speak Spanish and Gaurani (hopefully with ease!!), and I'll accctually know how to cook and be domestic!
The schedule for the next few days is going to be crazy exciting, hectic, and TIRING! I'm in Miami now and tomorrow we have orientation from 8 til about 3. Then we head to the airport and fly to Brazil at 8:15PM. After the 8 hour flight, we have a 4 hour stopover, then a 4 hour flight to Asuncion, Paraguay. FINALLY! We'll arrive in Paraguay at around 10:10AM. We go to the training center, have a host family interview, then move in with our family with whom we will be staying with for the first 3 months! Training will begin full swing on Thursday after our vaccinations. We have 4-6 hours of Spanish and Guarani training, and 2-4 hours of technical training, with a break for lunch with our families!! Looks like I won't be having a siesta during training. If training goes well, I will swear in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer on April 30th. I will get placed in the site that I will be working at for the next 2 years. EEPS!
So, February is supposed to be the hottest month in Paraguay. After getting 2 feet of snow, I'm sure this will be a huge adjustment. Temps will average around 100 degrees. eh, no biggie :)
I also wanted to thank everyone before I leave and lose the constant flow of internet access. Thank you for supporting me along the way, for your kind words of encouragement, and for your promises to keep in touch. This means the world to me and I will be thinking of you all every day. I will miss you like crazy. Bye! LOVE!